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Monday, April 2, 2012

Necessary Roughness: Scoop from E! Online's Kristin Dos Santos

Here's some scoop on Necessary Roughness from Kristin Dos Santos' Spoiler Chat Daily for Monday 4/2/12.

Lenny: Guilty pleasure scoop on Necessary Roughness please!
There is nothing guilty about this scoop we're about to throw at you. CSI: Miami's hunky Adam Rodríguez will appear in Necessary Roughness' upcoming second season. He'll be appearing as Julio "Gonzo" Gonzalez, one of the best hitters in baseball who finds himself in a very bad slump. Does his guest role mean curtains for CSI: Miami? Fear not, friends. He's just appearing in one episode. Now you guys can all head down to the comments and make A-Rod jokes.

Link to the full article:Spoiler Chat Daily: CW Love Triangle Alert! Plus, Glee, Mad Men, and More! - E! Online

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