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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Glee: Brittany and Rachel related scoop from E! Online's Kristin Dos Santos

Here's some scoop on Glee from Kristin Dos Santos' Spoiler Chat Daily for Thursday 5/3/12.

KingsWater: Season is almost over and still nothing on Brittany graduating. You got any info?
Sorry, kids, but Heather Morris ain't spilling, as she coyly tells us, "We don't know yet. Maybe I know, but I can't tell!" Curses! One finale tidbit she would divulge. Lots of tears! "We started it today. It's pretty sad," she says. "I cried today."

Kimberly in Salt Lake City: After watching Rachel choke this week on her NYADA audition, I'm kinda freaking out she's going to do it at Nationals too!
Have no fear team Sylvester-Schuester are here! We had the same concerns as you until we recently chatted with the new dynamic duo and they reassured us that New Directions is going to rock it in Chicago! Matthew Morrison tells us, "Oh yeah, they're bringing their A-game this year at nationals for sure!" We've had our doubts in the past about trusting Coach Sue, but Jane Lynch reveals that she's still the same person, just trying to be a bit more "genuine." She explains, "She hasn't changed her stripes so if something pisses her off she could switch, but I think she was really sincere...and at least in this moment she means it." Hopefully this 'moment' will help New Directions finally secure a first place at Nationals!

Link to the full article:Spoiler Chat Daily: Scoop on Glee's Graduation, Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy and More! - E! Online

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