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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The L.A. Complex: Tariq and Kaldrick related scoop from E! Online's Kristin Dos Santos

Here's some scoop on The L.A. Complex from Kristin Dos Santos' Spoiler Chat Daily for Wednesday 5/2/12.

Emma: I was shocked by Tariq and Kaldrick's hook up at the end of The L.A. Complex last night! Did not expect that at all! Where is that relationship going?
Tariq and Kaldrick's relationship is going to crazytown, that's where! "After that, the train of thought would obviously be, 'Oh, OK. This relationship is going to take off and they're going to be galloping through rose fields and live happily ever after!' As you'll see from the beginning of episode three, that is so far from the truth," Andra Fuller tells us. "Just as soon as you think it's looking up and this may be a groundbreaking relationship, with a hip-hop superstar is out in the open with his sexuality…no. Kaldrick King has too much to lose by letting it be revealed that he's in this type of relationship, so by no means is that going to be the case. And as soon as you think it's going to be over, Kaldrick is not going to let it be over."

Link to the full article:Spoiler Chat Daily: Gossip Girl and Smash Romance Scoop! Plus, The Walking Dead and More! - E! Online

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