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Friday, May 4, 2012

Smash: Scoop on the season 1 finale and more from E! Online's Kristin Dos Santos

Here's some scoop on Smash from Kristin Dos Santos' Spoiler Chat Daily for Friday 5/4/12.

Stephanie in St. Louis: After the last of episode of Smash, please tell me Karen is leaving Dev! I was so upset! That was insane.
It was insane. And you know what's even more insane? Dev leaves something very important in Ivy's room. Her room?! Oh, did you not get enough innuendo from their bar tryst? Of course they went through with having the sex! So will Karen find out right away? Iowa will be clueless...for now. Things may change in the finale, and viewers might just be shocked by her reaction to the, wait for it, bombshell revelation.

Pie Ninja: Can you say if Ivy fans will be happy? Karen is boring.
You must be talking about the truly awesome Smash finale we got to screen. And to answer your question, let's just say after the last scene, Ivy fans will have lots to talk about it over the summer.

Link to the full article:Spoiler Chat Daily: Scoop on Smash's Scandalous Hookup! Plus, Gossip Girl, Glee and More! - E! Online

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