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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Castle: Casting related scoop on season 5 from TVLine's Michael Ausiello

Here's some scoop on Castle from this week's (Posted on 7/10/12) Ask Ausiello column.

Question: Help! I want to plan a trip up to Virginia so I can watch the Castle season premiere with my best friend, but they haven’t released the premiere date yet. And flights aren’t getting any cheaper. I know it’s probably going to be Sept. 17 or 24. Do you have any insider intel or maybe just a hunch as to what day it will be? —Savannah
Ausiello: First, this is Ask Ausiello, not Travelocity. That said, have you considered the particular joy of a nice, multiple-hour bus ride? You meet some of the cleanest, most well-adjusted people on interstate coaches. My suggestion: Set up a phone date with your pal. I’ll even give you a topic to discuss: the show’s two new characters — Senator Randall Stinson and Vice President Russell —  who I’m guessing will figure into the conspiracy surrounding Beckett’s mother’s murder. Note their titles. Yep, this cover-up goes all the way to the top.

Link to the full article:Grey's Anatomy Spoilers -- Plus Parenthood and Castle in Ask Ausiello - TVLine