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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Vampire Diaries: Matt related scoop on season 4 from E! Online's Kristin Dos Santos

Here's some scoop on The Vampire Diaries from Kristin Dos Santos' Spoiler Chat Daily for Tuesday 7/17/12.

Beth: Vampire Diaries scoop, please and thank you!
Matt Donovan fans, you may want to avert your eyes: "Matt's going to have a tough year. I'm not kidding you, Matt's going to have a really tough year. I feel bad for Matt," Ian Somerhalder warns of Damon's feelings toward Mystic Falls' No. 1 quarterback/busboy after learning that Stefan chose to save him over Elena.

Link to the full article:Spoiler Chat Glee Planning Another Tribute Episode Plus Vampire Diaries Once Upon A Time And More| E! Online

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