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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Grimm: Season 2 Spoilers—Nick and Renard Fight, Renard Sex Scene and more-TVLine

Grimm - Season 2

Here are some scoop on this Friday's episode of Grimm, episode 2x13 "Face Off", from TVLine's Kimberly Roots.

“Oh my god, it’s been forever,” he said, adding that he hopes Grimm‘s audience hasn’t gone into hiding like an eisbiber sensing a skirmish ahead.  “I love this job. I love the people I’m working with. I love the town we’re in… so let’s hope that people come and watch this Friday; I want to keep making these because I think it’s fun. It’s a cool, weird little show that I want to have its full life lived.”

The next day in that life picks up right where we left off in November, with Nick learning that Captain Renard is Juliette’s mystery man. Here, Mitchell and co-stars Bitsie Tulloch and Sasha Roiz preview the sexy and shocking surprises you can expect in “Face Off.”

SEX, PECS AND A SCHEMING EX-HEX(ENBIEST) | As you know from the promo, Juliette and Renard’s obsession with each other ignites some serious lip-locking – and we can report that lamps are broken, a gun is fired and shirts are ripped as part of the foreplay. “It’s almost like Grimm After Dark – you know, a racier version,” Roiz joked during a conference call with media. Tulloch added that neither Juliette nor her police-captain paramour are quite in their right minds. “This is not some slow burning love,” she said. “They can’t control the lust.” Before the hour is over, Adalind also gets her swerve on – and the pint-sized blonde is even freakier (and cunning) than you might’ve imagined.

ROSALEE IS BACK! | Now that Bree Turner’s real-life maternity leave is over, her fuchsbau rolls back into town – just in time to drop some significant knowledge that affects the outcome of the episode. (When Ms. Calvert hones in on an unexpected side effect of Juliette’s magical coma, it prompts Nick to sigh, “Does anything not end in death?”) And as you might guess, Monroe’s pretty happy to see her. Their reunion “goes probably better than Monroe thinks it might,” said Mitchell.

HANK AND WU | Wu shows up when the Portland PD is called to two crime scenes, both of which have ties to Nick. Elsewhere, Hank sets foot in the station for the first time since Adalind had him pummeled in the previous episode.

THE ODD COUPLE | Nick has moved out of his home and is living with Monroe. “He basically just needs a place to stay while this craziness figures itself out,” Mitchell explained. And while the Grimm is licking his wounds at his pal’s place, Monroe sees his main job as keeping Nick from doing something really stupid to his boss. “It’s like a love triangle, and I’m kind of in the middle of the triangle,” the actor added. “So it’s like a love prism. It’s a love triangle with four points. It’s a love hexahedron. And [Monroe doesn't] really know how to handle it, which is fun.”

NICK’S MISSION | But no matter how much his best friend implores him not to, Nick is determined to take down the man who’s nabbed Juliette’s heart (and other areas). A giant fight in the woods ensues, featuring an even bigger – and series-changing — development that takes place between blows. For the record, Roiz approves of the whole thing. “I’m really glad that we had a chance to finally confront each other, because I think it’s something the fans had been waiting for for a long time — and we, as characters and actors, had been waiting for, as well,” he said. Also important: The key (which, you’ll recall, promises its owner world domination) is in two different people’s possession over the course of the hour.

Link to the full article:Grimm Season 2 Spoilers — Nick and Renard Fight, Renard Sex Scene - TVLine

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