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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

New Girl: Watch out, everybody! Jess’ new guy is a total nutcase (My thoughts on episode 2x18 “TinFinity”)

In a TV season where quite a few of my favorite TV shows are suffering from a creative slump, it’s nice to see New Girl be on such a creative roll this season. New Girl has especially been on a roll creatively ever since Jess and Nick kissed in episode 2x15 “Cooler”, and the writers’ creative streak continues in this episode.

Schmidt was planning a party to celebrate the ten-year anniversary of Nick and him being roommates. Schmidt referred to their anniversary as their “tin anniversary”, and after Jess pointed out that the chemical symbol for tin is Sn Schmidt declared that the theme of the party would be “TinFinity”. This episode once again showcased just how weird Schmidt and Nick’s friendship really is, and I thought that the episode “Models” made their friendship seem as strange as the writers possibly could when Schmidt bought Nick a cookie and Nick spent the whole episode trying to figure out the meaning behind the cookie.

The character Schmidt has already pretty much completely played out and almost all of the novelty of the character has worn off for me, so I don’t find his antics all that funny anymore, especially in this episode. Nick and his behavior in this episode is what made that storyline so funny to me, especially when it comes to the whole thing with Nick buying an old Porta-Potty and was really excited about it after Nick put him in charge of getting Porta-Potties and balloons for the party.

Personally, I thought it was pretty risky of the writers to have Jess and Nick kiss each other so early in the show’s run, but I have to say that I think it has really paid off for the writers to take that risk. The aftermath of Jess and Nick’s kiss has led to some really great material on the show, and this episode is definitely a very good example of their kiss providing some great material between Jess and Nick. Jess told Cece that she hasn’t been able to stop thinking about the kiss that she shared with Nick. She also told Cece about the fact that she kissed Schmidt in the previous episode (“Parking Spot”). I loved Cece reaction to Jess telling her that she and Schmidt had kissed. What made that scene even better in my opinion was when Nick came in the room and was acting really weird, asking Jess if he had anything on his mouth after he ate a cupcake and got frosting on his mouth. That moment was perfectly timed given the fact that Jess was in the middle of telling Cece about how she hasn’t been able to stop thinking about having “Nick’s mouth on her mouth” as she put it.

Cece suggested that Jess find a new boyfriend, saying that dating Shivrang had helped her get over Schmidt, so Jess decided to go try and meet a guy at the bar where Nick works, which led to a sequence of Jess talking to guys that were all extremely weird in their own way. Things took a turn for the better when Winston showed up with a football player named Jax, which he had interviewed for his job at the radio station. Jess immediately decided to talk to him. Winston was adamantly against the idea of Jess dating Jax, so he spent most of the episode trying to come between them, because he was determined to be best friends with him. Most of his attempts to come between them only backfired on him, making Jax think that he was weird.

At first Jess really liked that Jax was very open and honest about telling her how he felt about her. However, as the episode continued it became very clear that Jax was a very emotional person and a total nutcase, especially after he gave a speech at Schmidt’s “TinFinity” party telling everybody that Jess was a “heart thief” and that she was going to be his third wife. Jess was completely freaked out by Jax’s declaration and hid from him. The situation did kind of work out for Winston though, since he was the one who comforted a sobbing Jax towards the end of the episode.

I have to say that I’ve loved each of the love interests that Jess has had throughout the show’s run. I say this because I feel like each guy that Jess has been with at this point has helped her to grow as a character in some way. For example, when she first met Sam, it was very hard for her to have a casual relationship with him that initially consisted mainly of sex without developing feelings for him before they broke up the first time. Personally, I thought it was very refreshing to see Jess get freaked out by Jax’s behavior and walk away from the situation rather easily instead of getting swept up in his emotions and reciprocate them.

I’ve been a big fan of Steve Howey’s for a long time now ever since he was on the show Reba, and I love him on Shameless, so it was really fun for me to see Steve on New Girl. I thought that Steve played the role of Jax perfectly. Although, I have to say that I’m not a fan of his current hairstyle or his goatee. I used to think that Steve was really hot, but the way his hair looks these days as well as his goatee just make him look rather gross in my opinion.

Speaking of Cece, her relationship with Shivrang seems to be really progressing rather quickly. Shivrang told her that her mom and his mom had talked to each other about the possibility of them getting married, saying that they had given them their blessing. Shivrang then proceeded to propose to Cece in what has got to be one of the least romantic ways a guy could ever propose to a girl. He simply asked her, “When do you want to do this thing?” and “So, we’re doing this thing?”

Cece was obviously very disappointed that Shivrang was proposing to her in such an unromantic way, and I don’t blame her at all for being upset that Shivrang would ask her to marry him like that. I would be absolutely pissed off if a girl decided to propose to me, and then asked me to marry them like that.

Anyway, Shivrang proposed to Cece again later on in the episode when they were at Schmidt’s TinFinity party, only this time his proposal was a bit more romantic and Cece accepted his proposal. It wasn’t too much more romantic than his first proposal though, but I did think his nervousness was kind of sweet since he was proposing in front of everyone at the party.

Schmidt was devastated to see Cece get engaged to Shivrang, Nick comforted him and they had a nice talk. Nick told him that it was moments like that that made their friendship worth celebrating. I have to say that I really liked that scene, and I loved the flashbacks of Schmidt and Nick when they were in college that they had in this episode. I’ve always thought that the flashbacks of their college years were rather funny. Although, I absolutely hate the moustache that Jake Johnson always wears in those flashbacks. It just looks flat-out gross.

All things considered, this really was a truly great episode. This episode was full lots of funny moments, as well as quite a few heartwarming moments as well. I really like that this episode did a great job of progressing the drama between Jess and Nick regarding the aftermath of their kiss, as well as the whole storyline with Cece having her mom set her up with guys for an arranged marriage. While I’m really starting to view Schmidt’s behavior on the show as being more bizarre than it is funny, it’s definitely very consistent with the way the character has always been written, which I can definitely appreciate. As I mentioned earlier, it was definitely great to see Steve Howey on the show since I really am a huge fan of his. He definitely played the role of Jax very well.

That being said, I give his episode a rating of an A-.

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