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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Elementary: Sherlock and Mycroft related scoop from TVGuide's Natalie Abrams

Here's some scoop on Elementary from TVGuide's Natalie Abrams' Mega Buzz column, which was posted on 4/22/14.

What's coming up on Elementary— Marcus 
Mycroft and Sherlock will set aside their squabbling when an unfortunate turn of events forces the duo to team up on an important case. "For at least one episode, Mycroft is trying to fill Joan's shoes and it's far easier said than done," executive producer Rob Doherty says. Unfortunately, working in close quarters will not be good for the warring siblings, especially when Sherlock realizes Mycroft's been hiding some major secrets.

Link to the full article:Mega Buzz: 24's Reunion, a S.H.I.E.L.D. Return and a New Bones Romance - Today's News: Our Take |

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