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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Ray Donovan: Ray and Kate related scoop from TVGuide's Natalie Abrams

Here's some scoop on Ray Donovan from TVGuide's Natalie Abrams' Mega Buzz column, which was posted on 8/12/14.

I'm really enjoying this season of Ray Donovan. Got any hints at what's coming up? — Marc
Although Ray appeased Kate by giving her the ending of her book about Sully, will she really believe the "truth" about Ray and Mickey working with the FBI? "[Kate] is an opportunity to experiment, to dip his toe in the water of revealing himself to somebody," Liev Schreiber says. "I think he finds that very comforting." So comforting, in fact, that he might actually reveal the real truth! "At a certain point, Ray decides that he can't hide anymore and there might be something to opening the flood gates and letting the truth be known and finding out what kind of person he really is beneath all of that secrecy," Schreiber says.

Link to the full article:Mega Buzz: True Blood's Cure, an NCIS Return, and a Vampire Diaries Mystery - Today's News: Our Take |

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