Here's some scoop on Sons of Anarchy from this week's (Posted on 9/2/14) Ask Ausiello column.
Question: Any Juice-related Sons of Anarchy scoop? I’m worried about him. —Steve
Ausiello: You should be. As if covering up his part in last season’s double homicide wasn’t enough for the embattled SAMCRO-ian to contend with, series creator Kurt Sutter tells me that Juice will “have a revelation about himself” in Episode 6. “It’s somewhat sad, but it explains his journey and why he is doing what he is doing,” the EP adds. “He’s sort of on this path that begins with him having some glimmer of hope, and then when that doesn’t come to fruition, he’s just completely untethered and lost.” BONUS SCOOP: Juice isn’t gay. Just in case you were wondering. (I certainly was.)
Link to the full article:Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on Vampire Diaries, Good Wife, S.H.I.E.L.D., Blacklist, SVU, Big Bang and More | TVLine