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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Arrow: Scoop on the future of Oliver and Felicity's relationship in season 3 from TVLine's Michael Ausiello

Here's some scoop on Arrow from this week's (Posted on 10/7/14) Ask Ausiello column.

Question: The wait for Arrow‘s return feels almost cruel. Can you give us an Olicity morsel to help dull the pain until Wednesday’s premiere?! —Sophia
Ausiello: Due to the events of the season premiere — some of which are expected, and some of which are not — Oliver and Felicity’s “relationship is going to take ups and downs and twists and turns,” executive producer Marc Guggenheim teases. “I think part of the fun — or agony — of watching these two people is they’re together, they’re apart, they’re together, they’re apart. We’ll see what the future holds for them.”

Link to the full article:[PHOTO] ‘The Flash': First Look at Captain Cold — Wentworth Miller in Season 1 | TVLine

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