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Friday, December 5, 2014

Law & Order: Amaro related casting scoop from TVLine's Matt Webb Mitovich

Here's some scoop on Law & Order: SVU from this week's (Posted on 12/3/14) Matt's Inside Line column.

Any scoop on Law & Order: SVU you’d be willing to share? –advanteege
Prepare to meet later this season Detective Amaro’s sister Sonya, a “brassy, sassy, buxom” (well that’s specific) and “street smart former party girl” who, despite her “proclivities,” is a great aunt, sister and daughter.

Link to the full article:Matt’s Inside Line: Scoop on Once, Arrow, H50, Vampire Diaries, Scorpion, SVU, PLL, Mentalist, Haven and More | TVLine

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