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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

New Girl: Scoop on the possibility of Jess and Nick getting back together from TVLine's Michael Ausiello

Here's some scoop on New Girl from this week's (Posted on 12/23/14) Ask Ausiello column.

Question: I’m dying to know whether the Jess/Nick ‘ship has sailed on New Girl, or if there is still a chance of them getting back together. I love the character of Ryan, but I love Jess and Nick! —Ganga 
Ausiello: The ‘ship actually hit an iceberg and sank, this according to Jake Johnson. “Nick is really happy for Jess and Ryan, they’ve got a nice thing going,” shares the actor. “Nick and Jess are friends, and I think [the romantic relationship] is done. You can’t keep flipping back and forth, because the show needs an identity. They went back to just friends, and they’re happy with that. And I’m happy to do it.”

Link to the full article:Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on ‘Grey’s Anatomy,’ ‘Arrow’ and More | TVLine

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