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Friday, December 5, 2014

The Flash: Barry and Iris related scoop on the season 1 midseason finale (Episode 1x09 "The Man in the Yellow Suit") from Entertainment Weekly's Natalie Abrams

Here's some scoop on The Flash from Entertainment Weekly's Natalie Abrams' The Spoiler Room column, which was posted on 12/5/14.

Excited about seeing Reverse Flash, but is there anything else you can share on The Flash’s midseason finale? — Shari
Does this sound like Iris is going to find out Barry’s big secret to anyone else? “There’s a relationship cliffhanger as far as Barry and Iris are concerned,” Grant Gustin tells me. “Some honesty is finally being shed on the situation.”

Link to the full article:Spoiler Room: Scoop on 'State of Affairs,' 'Castle,' 'Mentalist,' and more | Inside TV |