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Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Flash: Scoop on the future of Barry's powers from Entertainment Weekly's Natalie Abrams

Here's some scoop on The Flash from Entertainment Weekly's Natalie Abrams' The Spoiler Room column, which was posted on 12/19/14.

Do you have any scoop on the next time Barry will face Reverse Flash on The Flash? — Steve
After the disastrous first bout, Barry will set his sights on testing the limitations of his powers in a bid to match his nemesis. “We’re exploring the vibrating a lot going forward and what the vibrating can do,” Grant Gustin says. “And how to slow things down, see things and survey situations with time stopped, essentially.” Will those powers also include time travel? “Maybe,” Gustin says with the highest pitch voice of someone trying to keep a secret.

Link to the full article:Spoiler Room: Scoop on 'Parenthood,' 'Parks and Rec,' Agent Carter' and more | Inside TV |

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