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Friday, December 5, 2014

The Flash: Scoop on the introduction of Reverse-Flash in the season 1 midseason finale (Episode 1x09 "The Man in the Yellow Suit") from TVLine's Matt Webb Mitovich

Flash Reverse-Flash

Here's some scoop on The Flash from this week's (Posted on 12/3/14) Matt's Inside Line column.

Is it true that The Flash will be introducing Reverse-Flash very soon? That seems more like a season finale sort of thing. –Greg
The iconic adversary’s introduction apparently was — wait for it — fast-tracked. In the midseason finale (airing Dec. 9), “Barry and Reverse-Flash come face-to-face,” Grant Gustin affirms. The actor then makes clear that it’s not The Flash who meets the foe, but Barry—”and it rocks him, to say the least. It terrifies him.” After it is confirmed to Barry that Reverse-Flash killed his mom, “It’s kind of a relief in some ways, because it confirms that Barry isn’t crazy and that what he thought he saw as a kid is true,” Gustin previews. “Now he is more determined than ever to find this guy and stop him, kill him. This might be a special circumstance where Barry would break a neck.”

Link to the full article:Matt’s Inside Line: Scoop on Once, Arrow, H50, Vampire Diaries, Scorpion, SVU, PLL, Mentalist, Haven and More | TVLine

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