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Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Flash: Scoop on the return of Captain Cold and Heat Wave from TVLine's Matt Webb Mitovich

Here's some scoop on The Flash from this week's (Posted on 2/11/15) Matt's Inside Line column.

Got any scoop on The Flash’s Gorilla Grodd? –Mason
Don’t go ape, but I instead have intel on a pair of other encores — Captain Cold and Heat Wave, who when next seen are accompanied by Lisa Snart AKA Golden Glider. Executive producer Andrew Kreisberg says with a laugh that it’s a treat to watch Leonard “try to be a good big brother to this slightly psycho younger sister,” while Lisa in turn endeavors to “manipulate Heat Wave and his willingness to be a dumb lug for love.”

Link to the full article:‘Arrow’ Season 3 Costume Change Spoilers — ‘The Flash’ Captain Cold Returns | TVLine