Here's some scoop on The Flash from this week's (Posted on 3/24/15) Ask Ausiello column.
Question: Is there a significance to the different colors of The Flash‘s “speed streak”? It seems it is yellow when he is not suited up and red when he is. The opposite seems true for Reverse Flash. Does this mean something? —BG
Ausiello: That question is above my pay grade. Or below it. Either way, I have no earthly idea. I can tell you that the mystery of who feeds the metahumans will be addressed, as will the more complex issue of whether it’s ethically copacetic for Flash’s foes to be locked up in S.T.A.R. Labs to begin with. “There’s a long discussion [in Episode 22] about the moral implications of the pipeline and what keeping them there means. Do they have that right?,” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg previews. “All the characters get to chime in on how they feel about it. That’s exciting because — beyond everybody always asking how do they go to the bathroom and where do they get their food from — some of them are super dangerous. So, how do you let them out into the world?”
Link to the full article:‘Game of Thrones’ Season 5, Episode 2 Spoilers: Will Daenerys Have Sex With Daario? | TVLine
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