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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Teen Wolf: Scoop on the future of Stiles and Scott's friendship and more from E! Online's Kristin Dos Santos

Here's some scoop on Teen Wolf from Kristin Dos Santos' Spoiler Chat column, which was posted on 6/30/15.

Tye: Ah, the Teen Wolf premiere was so good. But I need more! Tell me what's coming up!
Prepare to see a familiar face…but in a completely new and disturbing way. When discussing the new season's big bads, Holland Roden teases, "There's one particular prosthetic that they use this season that is on somebody's face and it's not really that monstrous; it's just more eerie." So who is it? Tyler Posey wouldn't say who, but spills, "This character has been on the show before, but we won't say who! He's making a comeback." At least we know it's a guy!

Shannon: OK, not loving the new guy Theo on Teen Wolf because I love Stiles and Scott's bromance! Please tell me they will be OK!
Sorry, but we mustn't tell lies as Jeff Davis tells us that senior year will really test their friendship, seeing if it "can bend without breaking, but it might just break." And Theo's introduction will be just one of a few factors that will be testing Scott and Stiles' friendship. Prayer circles might be in order, people!

Link to the full article:Spoiler Chat: Scoop on Pretty Little Liars, Teen Wolf, Empire, Agent Carter and More! | E! Online

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