Here's some scoop on Hawaii Five-0 from this week's (Posted on 10/29/15) Matt's Inside Line column.
Hawaii Five-0‘s McGarrett has been receiving mysterious phone calls. His gut thinks it’s Catherine. How soon before we find out who is calling and what this is all about? –Leni
Showrunner Peter M. Lenkov tells me the payoff to that mystery will come at some point this season, though he won’t say how soon. “It’s not an ongoing [plot point], but it’s definitely a cloud that’s not going to go away,” he teased. As for those (Steve included!) wondering if it ties into Catherine’s recent, covert exit, Lenkov said, “I like that people are thinking that!”
Link to the full article:‘Arrow’ Season 4 Spoilers — Felicity’s Father, Donna/Oliver Bond | TVLine
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