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Thursday, November 5, 2015

Arrow: Scoop on the reveal of who's in the grave from TVLine's Michael Ausiello

Here's some scoop on Arrow from this week's (Posted on 11/5/15) Ask Ausiello column.

Question: When will we learn who is in the grave from the Arrow season premiere? —Kyle
Ausiello: Though the producers are being purposefully vague about the timing of that reveal, here’s something to at least whet your whistle. Co-showrunner Wendy Mericle told Matt Mitovich, “There might be” additional flash-forwards “here and there… right around midseason,” that certainly will add to the “Who dies?” mystery. “We’re definitely toying with that,” the EP added, “and when and if we do decide to do that, it will reveal even more pertinent information about not who’s going to be in the grave but certainly where our characters are when that [death] happens.”

Link to the full article:‘Arrow’ Spoilers: Who Dies in Season 4? | TVLine

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