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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Chicago Fire: Dawson and Casey related scoop from TVLine's Michael Ausiello

Here's some scoop on Chicago Fire from this week's (Posted on 4/20/16) Ask Ausiello column.

Question: Any news on Chicago Fire? —Jeffrey
Ausiello: The introduction of political consultant Susan Weller (played by Lauren Stamile) in last night’s episode will lead to “Dawson, from a distance, being a little bit suspicious of this woman’s intentions” with regard to Casey, executive producer Matt Olmstead previews. While Dawson “gets a bad hit” off Susan, she doesn’t “want to come forward and come across like the jealous girlfriend who is not thinking about this objectively. So she’s letting Casey do his thing.”

Link to the full article:‘The Blacklist’ Spoilers: Season 3 Finale — Ask Ausiello | TVLine

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