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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

How to Get Away With Murder: Scoop on the possibility of Annalise bringing in new law school students to work at her firm in season 3 from TVLine's Michael Ausiello

Here's some scoop on How to Get Away With Murder from this week's (Posted on 4/5/16) Ask Ausiello column.

Question: Is it too early to ask what we can expect on Season 3 of How to Get Away With Murder? –Lonnie
Yes, it’s too early for you to ask. Oddly enough, however, it’s not to early for me to answer. During a recent chat with executive producer Pete Nowalk, we wondered if Viola Davis’ mercurial Prof. Annalise Keating would be bringing in a new set of law students to work in her firm — given that Michaela, Connor, Asher, Wes and Laurel can’t be first-years forever. “That’s a great question,” Nowalk replies. “I’m open to that, but I also don’t see how [any new students] could be as intimately involved in Annalise’s life as these five have. Also, there’s no formula to this show. Does Annalise want to continue being a professor? Does the school still want her there? Do [the Keating Five] want to stay in law school? All valid questions. I just don’t want it to feel like we’re making a show that’s got a formula: ‘Here’s a new crop of students, and they’re going to murder someone else!’ Yes, the show is outrageous and we do over-the-top things, but these [existing] characters are bonded for life.”

Link to the full article:‘The Walking Dead’ Season 7 Cast: Who Is Returning Next Fall? | TVLine

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