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Thursday, April 21, 2016

How to Get Away With Murder: Scoop on season 3 from TVLine's Michael Ausiello

Here's some scoop on How to Get Away With Murder from this week's (Posted on 4/20/16) Ask Ausiello column.

Question: Any sense of what we can expect from How to Get Away With Murder in Season 3? —Mitch
Ausiello: Given the reduction in “cases of the week” in Season 2 — and the overarching emphasis on the Haspstall trial — we asked showrunner Pete Nowalk if there’ll be a similar blueprint for Season 3. “I like switching it up, honestly,” says Nowalk. “I don’t want the show to become stale. In the back half of Season 2, we had so much emphasis on Rose’s case that there wasn’t room for cases of the week. We’ll probably try to do a balance.” Whatever approach wins out in the writers’ room, though, Nowalk says there’s one thing about HTGAWM that will remain a constant: “I love watching Annalise do her job in any way. She loves her job, and I don’t think she’s the same person if she’s not doing it. So, whether that’s case of the week or case of the season, seeing her at work is what I care about.”

Link to the full article:‘The Blacklist’ Spoilers: Season 3 Finale — Ask Ausiello | TVLine

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