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Friday, May 27, 2016

UnREAL: Season 2 scoop on a new Everlasting contestant from Entertainment Weekly's Natalie Abrams

Here's some scoop on UnREAL from Entertainment Weekly's Natalie Abrams' The Spoiler Room column, which was posted on 5/27/16.

I’ve read about how UnREAL will push the envelope this season, but how crazy will the events on Everlasting be? — Jeanie
How’s this for crazy: One of the new contestants, London, is a Pakistani-American engineer who Quinn and Rachel try to pressure into wearing a head scarf so she’ll look more “terrorist” to help boost ratings. “I know it’s totally crossing a line,” admits UnREAL co-creator Sarah Shapiro. “That’s one of the ones where I’m like, ‘Wow, okay, here we go.’ … London’s family is Pakistani and she may have very distant ties to Osama bin Laden, but Quinn is like, ‘Well, now she does.’ This is so crazy that we’re actually doing that, but yes.” Scraping your jaw off the floor yet? For even more dirt on UnREAL’s second season, pick up a copy of this week’s EW (the Ultimate Summer Preview issue) on stands or buy it here and flip to page 64!

Link to the full article:Spoiler Room: Scoop on Arrow, UnREAL, Blacklist and more |

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