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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Lucifer: Charlotte related scoop and scoop on the possibility of Lucifer getting a love interest from TVLine's Matt Webb Mitovich

Here's some scoop on Lucifer from this week's (Posted on 10/27/16) Matt's Inside Line column.

On Lucifer, we found out that the vessel of a recently deceased person is needed for angels and demons to be on Earth. Will we find out more about the vessel Lucifer is inhabiting? —Adder
Show boss Joe Henderson declared this a “great question,” and then explained: “Actually, Mom is unique — she was a soul without a body escaping Hell. Lucifer, Amenadiel and Uriel came to Earth in their own physical forms. But we will definitely be exploring the unique nature of Mom — jumping into the life and career of Charlotte Richards — a lot more leading up to our midseason finale.”

Any chance of seeing Lucifer with a love interest this season?—Addie
Lesley-Ann Brandt told me that just as “Maze is still obviously still trying to figure out her and Amenadiel’s situation, Lucifer is still figuring out with what his situation is with Chloe.” But Cupid may strike someone new. “Dan will probably start to explore something outside of Chloe,” Brandt reckoned, “now that they’re divorced.”

Link to the full article:‘Once Upon a Time’ Spoilers — Charmings, Evil Queen | TVLine

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