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Friday, December 2, 2016

Teen Wolf: Malia related scoop on episode 6x04 "Relics" from Entertainment Weekly's Natalie Abrams

Here's some scoop on Teen Wolf from Entertainment Weekly's Natalie Abrams' The Spoiler Room column, which was posted on 12/2/16.

What is going on with Malia on Teen Wolf?! — Stacy
Without Stiles, it seems Malia is having a hard time staying human, and her issues only continue in the next episode. But what might be more surprising is the person who steps up to help her regain control: Argent uses his past experiences with Kate to try to teach Malia the importance of holding onto her humanity. Let’s just hope he’s successful.

Link to the full article:Spoiler Room: Scoop on Once Upon a Time, Chicago Fire, Supergirl and more |

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