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Friday, November 3, 2017

Chicago P.D.: Upton related scoop on episode 5x06 "Fallen" from TVLine's Michael Ausiello,f_auto,fl_strip_profile.lossy,q_auto:420/v1509333599/upton-upset-chicago-pd-s5e6.jpg

Here's some scoop on Chicago P.D. from this week's (Posted on 11/3/17) Ask Ausiello column.

Question: Any scoop about Hailey Upton on Chicago P.D.? —Darice
Ausiello: Next Wednesday’s episode introduces Wil Traval (Arrow, Jessica Jones) as a sergeant from Narcotics who has “a bad past” with Detective Upton, star Tracy Spiridakos tells TVLine. “They do not get along. When that sergeant ends up dead during the investigation, there’s a big twist that comes up. People aren’t seeing what Upton is seeing, and so she has to do some of her own investigating and bring forward what she’s learned.”

Link to the full article:‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Season 15: New Doctor Love Interest for Meredith | TVLine

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