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Friday, November 3, 2017

Once Upon a Time: Ivy and Henry related scoop and scoop on the possibility of Naveen from The Princess and the Frog being featured on the show from TVLine's Michael Ausiello

Here's some scoop on Once Upon a Time from this week's (Posted on 11/3/17) Ask Ausiello column.

Question: What’s next in Once Upon a Time‘s Ivy/Henry relationship? I loved seeing these two interact in the last episode. —Zara
Ausiello: As you may have surmised by the way Ivy smoldered at Henry over drinks, “She has her sights set on him,” says co-creator Eddy Kitsis. “How he feels about it, we’ll have to wait and see. But she definitely seems like she is interested.” And given the Jacinda/Cinderella of it all, “There is some conflict to come!”

Question: Is there any chance Naveen from The Princess and the Frog could pop up in Once Upon a Time Season 7? —Lady Tremaine
Ausiello: Indeed, the ABC series is currently seeking a thirtysomething African-American to fill the role of Naveen, a fun-loving adventurer who hides a tragic past. Series co-creator Adam Horowitz told Matt Mitovich we’ll meet Tiana’s would-be prince in the second half of the season.

Link to the full article:‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Season 15: New Doctor Love Interest for Meredith | TVLine