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Monday, July 9, 2012

Gossip Girl: Casts Barry Watson in the Sixth and Final Season-TVLine

Barry Watson Gossip Girl

According to TVLine's Michael Ausiello, Barry Watson has been cast as a love interest for Serena in the sixth and final season of Gossip Girl. Here's an excerpt from the article:

Little is known about his recurring character, save for his name (Steven Spence) and occupation (he’s a young entrepreneur).

Watson’s post-Heaven credits include portraying the title character in ABC’s What About Brian and co-starring as Christina Applegate’s on-again, off-again boyfriend in ABC’s Samantha Who? Last year, he played Sara Rue’s time-travelling suitor in the ABC Family pic My Future Boyfriend.

Gossip Girl‘s abbreviated farewell season launches Monday, October 8.

Link to the full article:Gossip Girl Casts Barry Watson in Final Season - TVLine

My thoughts: I've always liked Barry Watson in pretty much everything that I've seen him in over the years, but Serena is my least favorite character on Gossip Girl, so this news doesn't really excite me all that much. I'm so sick of watching Serena's revolving door of boyfriends. I have to say that based on the season 5 finale and all of the spoilers that I've read so far for the final season, I'm not really all that excited for the final season. I'm probably still going to watch it though since I'm a bit of a masochist when it comes to Gossip Girl.