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Monday, July 9, 2012

Damages: Interview with Rose Byrne with Scoop on Season 5--Does Ellen Die?-TVLine

Rose Byrne Damages

Here's an interview that TVLine's Michael Ausiello did with Rose Byrne, which gives some scoop on the fifth and final season of Damages. In the interview, discusses her thoughts on fans speculating about Ellen's fate based on the season 5 promo, the evolution of Ellen and Patty's relationship throughout the course of the series, her relationship with Glenn Close and the possibility of her doing another long-term gig on a TV show. Here's an excerpt from the article where Byrne gives some scoop on what's going to be happening in the fifth and final season:

TVLINE | Are you getting approached by fans worried about Ellen’s fate? The promos paint an ominous picture.
Yes, a lot of concerned viewers are coming up to me shaking their heads. They’re very worried. It’s a very provocative image.

TVLINE | Of course, this being Damages, nothing is ever as it seems. Is it possible she’s really not dead?
I’m pleading the fifth on this. [Laughs] I’m not going to give you anything.

TVLINE | As a fan of the show, the prospect of Ellen getting killed makes me angry. I know you can’t really speak to that specifically, but can you say whether Season 5 is a satisfying conclusion to the series?
It is. We really go into Ellen’s psychology in terms of her family and in terms of the dynamics of her family and how much that has shaped her and affected her. There’s a lot of stuff with her mother [played by Debra Monk]. We rediscover a lot of things that are going on there. And, obviously, there’s the Ellen-Patty relationship… It’s really haunting stuff. Ellen is very haunted this season — more than ever. We also get to see her grapple with power and the idea of gaining her power and being unapologetic about it. And also, how far is she going to go to win against Patty, who has basically ruined her life? That’s a huge thing this season.

TVLINE | The first two episodes suggest that Ellen is going to be severely outmatched by Patty in the courtroom. Fair to say the playing field levels out a bit as the season progresses?
Yes, it does. I think it’s a very satisfying thing for the fans to see. Early on we always talked about, “Wouldn’t it be great down the line to see them go up against each other over a case?” It’s like the ultimate ending. It all comes full circle. The protégé becomes the opponent.

TVLINE | This season really seems to return to the core of their conflict — which is that Patty tried to have Ellen killed.
Yes. It always comes back to that. It’s a huge thing haunting and hanging over Ellen.

TVLINE | Any twists this season really make your jaw drop?
Oh yes. There are some big things, absolutely. There were a few frantic phone calls to the writers, “What’s happening?! Really?! This is really happening?!” [Laughs]

Link to the full article:Damages Series Finale Spoiler -- Does Ellen Die? - TVLine

My thoughts: I know that I've said this before, but while I'm beyond grateful to DirecTV for acquiring Damages when the FX network decided to cancel it, I hate that I had to wait for season 4 to come out on DVD in order to see it. Given the way the season 5 promo looks and the spoilers that I've read, I hate the fact that I'll have to wait until the season 5 DVD set comes out in order to watch the final season even more than I hated waiting for the season 4 DVD set to come out. I loved Jenna Elfman on Dharma & Greg, so I'm really excited to see her in a dramatic role in the final season of  Damages. Personally, I think that Damages is one of the best shows on TV right now, so if you haven't watched it before, I highly recommend that you buy the DVDs. They are definitely worth every penny.