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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Necessary Roughness: Scoop on episode 2x14 from TVLine's Michael Ausiello

Here's some scoop on Necessary Roughness from this week's (Posted on 7/17/12) Ask Ausiello column.

Question: Do you have any scoop on Necessary Roughness? —Cathy
Ausiello: Glad you asked! I hear that Dani’s younger sister, Ronnie, will show up this season, and that she’s a real pistol: a Vegas blackjack dealer who Lindsay and Ray Jay think is a lot of fun but who’s a big pain in her sister’s tush. Look for the shrink’s sibling to appear in Episode 14.

Link to the full article:The Walking Dead Spoilers -- Plus Bones, Glee, Supernatural - TVLine