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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Shameless: Casting related scoop on season 3 from TVLine's Michael Ausiello

Here's some scoop on Shameless from this week's (Posted on 7/17/12) Ask Ausiello column.

Question: I have a Shameless question: Can we be best friends so I can know all of the super-secret scoop? —Jami
Ausiello: How about we start as pen pals? Let this serve as my first message to you: The Gallagher household is going to get a little bigger in the upcoming third season. Molly, Mandy’s 9-year-old half-sister, comes to live with the dysfunctional family when her meth-addict mother dies. But the little orphan’s not the only new character we’ll meet. There’ll also be Patty, one of Fiona’s older grocery-store co-workers, who’ll oppose the feisty Gallagher girl when she tries to rally the staff against a manager’s “unusual demands.” And following Grandma Peg’s cancer diagnosis last season, we’ll meet Wendy, a college student volunteering at a camp for children with the disease, and Hanley, one of the adventurous campers.

Link to the full article:The Walking Dead Spoilers -- Plus Bones, Glee, Supernatural - TVLine