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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Dallas Star Weighs In on the Finale's Big Reveal: 'I Get to Play a Whole Different Character!-TVLine

Here's an interview that Julie Gonzalo did with TVLine's Matt Webb Mitovich. In the interview, Julie Gonzalo reflects on everything that happened with Rebecca in season 1; her reaction to the writers telling her that she's Cliff Barnes' daughter; she shares her speculations about what will happen with Rebecca next season, and she talks about her favorite scene from the season finale. Here's an excerpt the article:

TVLINE | Just how many roles did you get to play this season? There was Christoper’s sweet, innocent fiancee, Rebecca Sutter the begrudging con woman… and now Rebecca Barnes. [Laughs] It’s crazy how now I can hear it and agree and not be coy about things. I couldn’t be more pleased and blessed as an actor to start one way and think it’s going to go one way and it’s completely the other. I got to do a lot of things I never thought I’d get to. I couldn’t be happier how it turned out. 

TVLINE | At what point did you learn that she would end up a Barnes? Before we even went to Dallas to shoot the pilot, they let me in on the secret — and it was one of those things like, “Don’t tell anyone anything, ever!” And I couldn’t play [that she had a secret], even though I knew. 

TVLINE | As fun a reveal as it was, some fans guessed her true identity a while ago. Oh, they were guessing right at the beginning! From the minute they heard her name was Rebecca, that’s all I kept hearing. I found it amazing to see how many original fans are out there, and they are so enamored with this show. They’d say, “Why else would your name be Rebecca?” and I had to be like, “I don’t know what you’re talking about….” It was hard. 

Link to the full article:Dallas Season 1 Finale Review and Interview — Julie Gonzalo - TVLine

My thoughts: I personally loved the season finale, and I especially loved the reveal about Rebecca being Cliff Barnes' daughter. One of the things that disappointed me about Dallas' first season was how little they featured Ken Kercheval/Cliff Barnes. I'm hoping that with this reveal that it means the writers will be featuring Ken Kercheval/Cliff Barnes a lot more in season 2 compared to season 1.