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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Grey's Anatomy: Scoop on the future of Bailey and Ben's relationship from Entertainment Weekly's Sandra Gonzalez

Here's some scoop on Grey's Anatomy from Entertainment Weekly's Sandra Gonzalez's The Spoiler Room column, which was posted on 11/20/12.


If you read my chat with Grey’s Anatomy‘s Chandra Wilson last week, then you know that Bailey will spend the next episodes “kicking and screaming” her way to the altar. But one thing Wilson thinks might help Bailey get into the groove a bit more? If Ben put a ring on it!

“My finger is light, that’s all I’m saying. It’s very, very light,” she says, laughing. “And he used to be an anesthesiologist. You’d think there would be some sort of bling involved. But her finger is rather light — at least for 2012. So we’ll see what happens going forward.” But regardless of Bailey’s left hand gets a little heavier, Wilson says Bailey is committed. “She’s going to see [it] through,” she says. “You can’t tell somebody you’re going to marry them and then play around.”

And while Bailey and Ben could have many happy years ahead of them, as always, questions are starting to arise about Grey‘s future. Now midway though its ninth season, Wilson says she is anything but tired. And while there won’t be official word about a tenth season for several months, she says she’s personally on board. “I think the consensus is that as long as our writers want to keep writing, we’re here to keep riding the ride,” she says. “As actors, we’re very cognizant of the opportunities we’ve been given. Sooner or later it will be the end.”

Link to the full article:Grimm, Glee, Once Upon a Time, Grey's Anatomy, The Middle: Spoilers | Inside TV |

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