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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Intelligence: Gabriel and Mei Chen related scoop from TVGuide's Natalie Abrams

Here's some scoop on Intelligence from TVGuide's Natalie Abrams' Mega Buzz column, which was posted on 1/14/14.

I'm really enjoying Intelligence. What can you tease? — Donna
We haven't seen the last of Mei Chen, the woman who got a chip implanted in her head. The chip-for-hire is actually set up as a rival for Gabriel. "She's Gabriel without the conscience," executive producer Michael Seitzman says. "She seems to feel that she and Gabriel are the only ones on the planet. I think she loves him in her own way. She thinks they're Adam and Eve."

Link to the full article:Mega Buzz: A Downton Wedding, a Girls Boy and Castle's Miley Homage - Today's News: Our Take |

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