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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Scandal: Mellie related scoop on Fitz's campaign for re-election from TVGuide's Natalie Abrams

Here's some scoop on Scandal from TVGuide's Natalie Abrams' Mega Buzz column, which was posted on 1/14/14.

Do you know anything that's coming up for Scandal? — Mel
It's Election Day, and Mellie remains focused on her husband's re-election. "We're going to spend a lot of time with the campaign, so it's the machinations of trying to get us back in the White House for another four years," Bellamy Young says. So how does Mellie's rumored love interest (Major Crimes' Jon Tenney) fit into Fitz's strategy? "[He'll] throw a wrench in the works in the very best of ways," she says.

Link to the full article:Mega Buzz: A Downton Wedding, a Girls Boy and Castle's Miley Homage - Today's News: Our Take |

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