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Monday, March 17, 2014

Once Upon a Time: Regina and Zelena related scoop from E! Online's Kristin Dos Santos

Here's some scoop on Once Upon a Time from Kristin Dos Santos' Spoiler Chat column, which was posted on 3/17/14.

Trisha: I can't believe that [Spoiler!] Zelena is Regina's half-sister on Once Upon a Time! What's coming up for the wickedly evil villains?
When we chatted with OUAT's Lana Parilla, the actress was quick to state the differences between our two malicious sisters. "She wants to hurt people for different reasons than the evil queen wanted to kill Snow White," she stressed. "Their costumes are very similar, but their intentions are very different, like they're fighting for different causes. She wants to hurt people for different reasons. She's wicked." Oooh do you think wicked always wins? Shout out your allegiance in the comments below!

Link to the full article:Spoiler Chat: Scoop on How I Met Your Mother, Supernatural, Pretty Little Liars, Psych and More! | E! Online

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