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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Castle: Scoop on the aftermath of Castle's car accident in season 7 from TVGuide's Natalie Abrams

Castle Finale Wedding Car Crash

Here's some scoop on Castle from TVGuide's Natalie Abrams' Mega Buzz column, which was posted on 7/22/14.

Can you tell me who ran Castle off the road in last year's Castle finale? — Diana
Nope, but I can certainly tell you who didn't. For fans convinced that last year's fiery cliff-hanger was brought on by either existing nemeses Bracken and 3XK or even Castle's own father, allow new showrunner David Amann to burst your bubble. "The mythology we're getting into is going to go past all that into some new territory," he says. "Those are all fair game, but it's not going to be what the opening of the season is about." What the new season is about is unearthing new secrets about Castle. But how will that impact the Castle-Beckett relationship? "Things that are going to come to light that are going to be unsettling for Beckett," Amann teases. "But we're committed to that relationship. I don't think what happened to Castle is going to disrupt the trajectory of that relationship, at least not in the long term."

Link to the full article:Mega Buzz: Chicago Fire's Triangle, a Scandal Death and Sleepy Sneakiness - Today's News: Our Take |

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