Here's some scoop on Castle from this week's (Posted on 8/19/14) Ask Ausiello column.
Question: We know that the season opener of Castle starts right where we left off in the finale, but is there a time jump after those first initial scenes? —Rachael
Ausiello: Yes, the Sept. 29 premiere features a time jump — and a rather significant one at that — but my lips are zipped about exactly when in the episode the clocks spring forward.
Question: I am dying to know the Castle Season 7 premiere title! —Sandra
Ausiello: The opener, which (per ABC) “promises to put Beckett through the toughest case of her career,” is titled… fittingly… “Driven.”
Link to the full article:Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on ‘Sons of Anarchy,’ ‘Castle,’ ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ and More! | TVLine
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