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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Red Band Society: Scoop on the Leo/Emma/Jordi love triangle from TVLine's Michael Ausiello

Here's some scoop on Red Band Society from this week's (Posted on 9/30/14) Ask Ausiello column.

Question: Is the Leo-Emma-Jordi triangle going to be an ongoing source of drama on Red Band Society?
Ausiello: I can answer your question in two words: Mmm. Hmm. But I’ll let series star Charlie Rowe, who plays Leo, flesh out the details. “We are shooting the last couple days of Episode 6,” Rowe reveals, “and things are escalating. We’re almost at the point where a decision is being made in terms of the triangle — and who wins who. There’s a lot of anger and upset involved from both guys, but it’s getting good and juicy.”

Link to the full article:‘The Vampire Diaries’ Season 6 Spoilers: Elena Kiss in Episode 3 | TVLine

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