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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Sleepy Hollow: Sword of Methuselah related scoop on the season 2 fall finale (Episode 2x11 "The Akeda") from TVGuide's Adam Bryant

Here's some scoop on Sleepy Hollow from TVGuide's Adam Bryant's Mega Buzz column, which was posted on 11/25/14.

Any scoop on the Sleepy Hollow finale? —Debra 
The Sword of Methuselah isn't as awesome as Abbie and Ichabod had been lead to believe. "It turns out that although this sword has the ability to kill demons, it essentially extracts your life force, your soul," co-executive producer Albert Kim reveals. "So, you have to sacrifice your own life in order to use it. It sets up a really great conflict and decision as to who is going to sacrifice themselves to prevent Moloch from achieving his apocalypse." 

Link to the full article:Mega Buzz: A Scandal War, Hawaii Five-0's Consequences and a Sleepy Hollow Sacrifice - Today's News: Our Take |

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