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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Scandal: Olivia and Fitz related scoop from TVGuide's Adam Bryant

Here's some scoop on Scandal from TVGuide's Adam Bryant's Mega Buzz column, which was posted on 11/25/14.

Scandal scoop, please! I can't believe Olivia is gone again! — Beth
You and me both! Even though Liv obviously didn't leave by choice this time, don't be surprised by the profundity of Fitz's desperation as he debates whether to go to war with West Angola to save her. "It will potentially destroy Fitz again," Tony Goldwyn tells us. "How much more can a man take? This will really test him. The stakes are unbelievably high and I can say that it will be scary."

Link to the full article:Mega Buzz: A Scandal War, Hawaii Five-0's Consequences and a Sleepy Hollow Sacrifice - Today's News: Our Take |

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