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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Good Wife: Scoop on the series finale (Episode 7x22 "End") from TVLine's Michael Ausiello

Here's some scoop on The Good Wife from this week's (Posted on 4/20/16) Ask Ausiello column.

Question: My mom has been bugging me all week to ask you if she will be satisfied with The Good Wife‘s ending. Is the rumored Will Gardner appearance a dream sequence or flashback? —Bill
Ausiello: If your mom likes it when series finales serve as the perfect bookend to a show’s pilot, then, yes, your mom is going to be satisfied with The Good Wife‘s ending. As Julianna Margulies revealed in the current issue of Entertainment Weekly, the episode will find Peter and Alicia once again “standing at the podium” at a press conference and “you’ll see a very subtle thing at the end that she does physically with Peter that’s very different from when you first met the two of them.” (My guess: A lint brush is involved.) BONUS SCOOP: I’m hearing the aforementioned presser is thankfully not the final scene of the episode/series.

Link to the full article:‘The Blacklist’ Spoilers: Season 3 Finale — Ask Ausiello | TVLine

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