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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Once Upon a Time: Scoop on Emilie de Ravin’s maternity leave from TVLine's Michael Ausiello

Here's some scoop on Once Upon a Time from this week's (Posted on 4/20/16) Ask Ausiello column.

Question: Will Emilie de Ravin’s Belle now be missing from the last few episodes of Once Upon a Time, due to the actress’ maternity leave? Will Belle at least make an appearance in the finale? — Rebecca
Ausiello: Though Belle just subjected herself to a sleeping curse, I am hearing that viewers have in fact not seen the last of de Ravin this season, while Rumple’s expectant wife figure into the storyline through to the two-hour finale (airing May 15).

Link to the full article:‘The Blacklist’ Spoilers: Season 3 Finale — Ask Ausiello | TVLine

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