Here are some spoilers for Gossip Girl, Once Upon A Time, Criminal Minds, Suburgatory, Bones, 90210, The Big Bang Theory, The Good Wife, House, and Castle from Michael Ausiello's Ask Ausiello column for the week. I've included a link to the original article at the end of this post for anyone who wants to read the whole article.
Question: OK, stop teasing and start spilling: What will Gossip Girl‘s 100th episode be about? —Diane
Ausiello: To quote a certain song from the seminal 1984 comedy classic The Muppets Take Manhattan, somebody’s getting, somebody’s getting, somebody’s getting, somebody’s getting, somebody, somebody, somebody, somebody, somebody’s getting marrrrieeeed — and that someone is Blair. And the groom? Why it’s none other than Prince Louis. “The big event in the 100th episode is Blair’s wedding,” confirms exec producer Josh Safran, adding that the royal nups will be “big and lavish and twist and juicy.” The milestone hour will also reward longtime fans in that it will include “a lot of callbacks and echoes to the pilot. It was important for me to pay homage and respect [to our first episode]. There are a lot of Easter eggs. I think it’s going to be really beautiful.”
Question: Any scoop on Blair’s royal wedding on Gossip Girl? —Carrie
Ausiello: Safran says the 100th episode is as much about Blair as it is Serena. “The central relationship has always been the two of them,” says Safran. “Blair’s getting married and her best friend is her maid of honor — that’s a core dynamic we’re playing with.”
Question: I need to know more about the Gossip Girl kiss that awaits Blair. Is it followed by a clap, slap, or snap? And while you’re at it, how about a hint about whom she’ll be kissing? —Emily
Ausiello: I’m definitely not spoiling whom she kisses. You’ll have to watch the Sleep No More-themed Nov. 14 episode for that reveal. I will, however, confirm that the smooch is followed by a slap.
Question: I’m absolutely loving Once Upon A Time, but I’m dying to know: Are we ever going to get the scuttlebutt on the cute British sheriff? Does he have a fairytale counterpart? —Kathleen
Ausiello: Answers are coming — and soon! “That particular question is one we intend to answer definitively within the first batch of episodes we’ve already produced,” reveals exec producer Adam Horowitz, adding, “We love that people are theorizing already!”
Question: Now that JJ is back on Criminal Minds, and she is a full-fledged profiler, are we going to see her in action? —Darcy
Ausiello: Not much of JJ-in-action coming up, I’m afraid. However, the Nov. 9 episode is pretty JJ-centric. We’ll see how her new job has affected her family life — specifically, what happens when her son gets sick while she’s away on a case?
Question: I’m dying for some scoop on my new favorite potential couple, Suburgatory‘s Dallas and George! Are they going to go there? —Sam
Ausiello: They better go there. Jeremy Sisto and Cheryl Hines are one of my favorite dynamic duos of the moment too. I’d be shocked if marrying those two off wasn’t part of the producers’ grand plan (way down the line, natch). Speaking of ‘ship-worthy Suburgatory couples, I hear there’s some unfinished business between polar opposites Ryan and Tessa. (Hint: Someone will soon utter the L-word.)
Question: I want to know more about Sweets on Bones. Apart from his being out in the field more this season (getting a gun and all that), tell me something else that is going to happen to him. —Ed
Ausiello: Well, the expanded field duties you mentioned will “bring him closer to Booth in the first six episodes,” reveals exec producer Stephen Nathan, “which is not always what Booth wants.” We’ll also see “how Sweets and his gun affect Daisy,” Nathan adds. “I’m sure you can imagine some of the possibilities.” Get your minds out of the gutter. He’s referring to an actual gun. (I think.)
Question: Will the dates that Bones and Booth predicted they would actually be together be brought up this season? —Tiera
Ausiello: “Brennan and Booth’s best-laid plans have always been destroyed by reality, and this season will be no different,” responds a cryptic Nathan, before acknowledging, “Man, that sounded loaded, didn’t it?” Lil bit. Lil bit.
Question: I read earlier that Tina Majorino’s Agent Shaw would return to Bones in an upcoming episode. Do you have any idea which episode that will be? I loved her on Bones and earlier on Veronica Mars (RIP that show ). —Ingmar
Ausiello: A moment of silence for Veronica Mars. [Beat] Moving on, Majorino resurfaces in this season’s fourth episode (a.k.a. the midseason finale) and Nathan tells me he “definitely” wants her back for more. The boss man also divulges that Shaw will be getting a little bit of a backstory in Ep 4. “We’ll have a few surprises for her character,” he shares. “Our dedicated FBI agent might have a few complications in her life that Booth didn’t know about.”
Question: Any chance 90210‘s Liam and Annie will get back together? —Johnny
Ausiello: They’ll reunite before year’s end but it won’t last. Speaking of Annie, she finds out about Dixon’s drug problem next week and forces him into rehab. There’s just one problem: Rehab’s expensive and she’s still relatively penniless, so… it’s back to the whoring board for her!
Question: Is there any hope on the horizon for The Big Bang Theory‘s Leonard and Penny? —Farsad
Ausiello: Can’t confirm hope. Can confirm a very awkward date. In the Nov. 10 episode, Leonard is thrown for a loop when Penny invites him to the movies with her. He’s not really sure what to make of it — particularly since they haven’t really hung out alone together since their breakup. (Here’s hoping Penny has enough sense to lay off the sauce.)
Question: Fringe! When will our Lincoln meet the badass Lincoln from Over There? I need two Agent Lees on my TV screen, like, yesterday! —Juni
Ausiello: You’re preaching to the choir. And lucky for you, this particular choir counts Fringe executive producer Jeff Pinkner among its members. “Two Agent Lees are like chocolate and peanut butter… somehow they just belong together,” Pinkner gushes. ”And, you won’t have to wait much longer.”
Question: Any chance that The Good Wife‘s Alicia and Kalinda will kiss and make up by the end of the season? Not that I’m not loving Kalinda working with Eli, but I miss when Kalinda and Alicia worked together. —Billie
Ausiello: I hear they’ll be on their way to mending their relationship well before season’s end. And the person instrumental in bringing them back together? *r***. In the meantime, in this Sunday’s episode Diane starts to figure out that Will and Alicia are sleeping together. And the person who tips her off? Also *r***.
Question: Now that Taub is coming back to House, are they gonna go into what happened with the whole double pregnancy thing? I was pretty excited to see what was gonna happen there. —Sam
Ausiello: They sure are. In fact, it’s next week’s duplicitous Patient of the Week, played by Battlestar Galactica‘s Jamie Bamber, who serves as the catalyst for Taub coming clean about his baby quandary. “It’s an episode about lies and concealing the truth and whether it’s better to protect those around you from the truth,” Bamber explains. “And Taub has an issue with the parentage of his two kids and what the truth is about that.”
Question: I’ve got a bunch of Halloween candy leftover. Trade you for some Castle scoop? —Ivy
Ausiello: Castle and Beckett spend an upcoming episode literally handcuffed together.
Link to the original article:Spoilers on Gossip Girl, Once Upon a Time, Bones, Castle, Dexter, The Good Wife and More!
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