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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Walking Dead: Scoop on the season 5 premiere (Episode 5x01 "No Sanctuary") from TVLine's Michael Ausiello

Here's some scoop on The Walking Dead from this week's (Posted on 9/30/14) Ask Ausiello column.

Question: Can you give me any spoilers on The Walking Dead? —Nancy
Ausiello: I had to watch the first six minutes of the Season 5 premiere with a Trapper Keeper in front of my face — it was that gruesome. I’m shocked AMC’s Standards and Practices signed off on it, to be honest. In related news, click here for my in-depth 140-character review of the episode.

Link to the full article:‘The Vampire Diaries’ Season 6 Spoilers: Elena Kiss in Episode 3 | TVLine

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