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Thursday, March 8, 2018

Book Haul: February 2018 Barnes & Noble Book Haul

I thought that I would start posting my book hauls on my blog, which I originally posted on Instagram/Bookstagram. The books featured in this post are books that I bought at Barnes & Noble at the beginning of February.

I bought both of these books tonight when I went to Barnes & Noble with some friends from high school. We went to check out an event that they were having for the 20th anniversary of Harry Potter. I ended up finding these books after we decided to look around the rest of the store after we saw that the event was geared towards little kids. Jeffrey Archer is an author whose books I’ve wanted check out for a very long time, so I’m really excited to read Tell Tale, which is a collection of short stories. I’ve never even heard of Wilbur Smith or Tom Harper before, but the plot synopsis that’s on the cover of The Tiger’s Prey sounds incredibly interesting and cool, so I couldn’t resist buying it. I’m pretty excited about the fact that I was able to get both of these books for 60% off each of them since I have a Barnes & Noble membership card. All in all, I definitely had a fun time with my friends, and I’m really excited about the fact that I was able to get both of these books for a great price. 😀 #bookstagram #bookhaul #bookaholic #bookaddict #bookworm #bookblogger #bookblog #thetigersprey #wilbursmith #tomharper #telltale #jeffreyarcher #shortstorycollection #shortstorycollections
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If you're interested in learning more about these books, here are links to Amazon's pages for these books:

The Tiger's Prey: A Novel of Adventure (Courtney Family Novels) by Wilbur Smith and Tom Harper

Tell Tale: Stories by Jeffrey Archer

If you're interested in following me on Instagram, my Instagram handle is @tmswriter6.

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